Denver Divorce Lawyers Handling Business Issues

In many divorce cases, a professional practice or family-owned business is part of the marital estate and must be taken into account in the division of assets. Such an asset must be properly valued to ensure fair settlements and court orders.

Colorado Business And Professional Practice Valuation

Every business valuation is distinct, depending upon the type of business or professional practice. It is also necessary to consider the objectives of the parties to determine whether one spouse will continue to own and operate the business, or decide whether to sell the business to outsiders.

Whatever future business objectives may be, the valuation is a key part of the divorce process. Our attorneys work closely with valuation experts to determine proper valuation methodologies and buyout strategies.

Working toward an appropriate business value, numerous factors are taken into consideration. They include:

  • Whether the business is marital or separate property, or a combination of both
  • What each party has contributed to the business during the marriage
  • Whether excess earnings can be attributable to the business
  • What future income can reasonably be expected from the business

Our Skills In Your Hands

Our Denver Metro family lawyers are experienced and skilled in the process of dividing business and professional practices in divorce cases. Call the Denver business valuation lawyers at Polidori Franklin Monahan & Beattie L.L.C. at 303-936-3300 or contact us online.